IBM Bluemix vs AWS – Which is the Best Cloud Platform for Your Business?

October 20, 2021

IBM Bluemix vs AWS – Which is the Best Cloud Platform for Your Business?

If your company is looking to move to the cloud, you are in good company. According to a survey by Rightscale, more than 92 percent of businesses use cloud technology in some capacity. With so many companies using the cloud, there is ample choice. In this article, we will look at a comparison of two popular cloud platforms: IBM Bluemix and AWS.

IBM Bluemix

IBM Bluemix is IBM's cloud platform that provides a range of services for developers to build and deploy applications. It offers an environment for building and integrating your applications, data, and services. IBM Bluemix services are delivered from a global network of IBM data centers, which means it is highly reliable and fast.


IBM Bluemix offers a suite of pre-built services for developers, including Watson artificial intelligence services, which are renowned worldwide for their machine learning capabilities, and several other cloud solutions. The platform also provides support for popular programming languages like Java, Ruby, and Node.js, CLI, and SDKs for different platforms


IBM Bluemix offers pay-as-you-go pricing model. It charges you based on your usage, and this can be an advantage in that it helps clients to save cost since they only pay for usage. However, pricing is a bit complicated when compared to AWS, and you would need an expert to help you understand the cost structure.


AWS, a cloud platform by Amazon, is one of the most popular platforms out there, offering a wide range of services for businesses of all sizes. AWS is highly scalable and provides a transparent pricing model, making it an ideal choice for startups, SMEs, and larger corporations.


AWS also offers a vast number of pre-built services such as Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Simple Storage Service, and Lambda Functions. It's easy to use, highly secure, and highly configurable.


AWS uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model as well; however, it is more straightforward than IBM Bluemix. AWS also provides different billing options, such as Reserved Instances and Spot Instances, which allows users to earn discounts based on how much they use it, and different cost savings options through the AWS Cost Explorer.

So, which is better?

The answer is simple: it depends on the needs of your business. Both IBM Bluemix and AWS platforms have tools and services that can help businesses thrive in the cloud. IBM Bluemix would be best suited for businesses looking for comprehensive AI capabilities, while AWS would be a better option for businesses looking for a wide variety of services to help them in various fields, including storage, hosting, and computing.


In conclusion, when choosing a cloud provider, it's always vital to take stock of your business needs and find a provider that can meet your unique requirements. Both IBM Bluemix and AWS are excellent platforms, but there are significant differences based on their advantages and limitations. Always choose a provider that can provide you with the services you need, the pricing that works for you, and the support that can help guide you as you navigate the world of the cloud. On that note, we dare you to say "cloud" ten times in a row – what's the worst that could happen? Maybe you'll end up with your head in the clouds!


  1. Rightscale Survey (2019). Cloud Computing Trends: 2019 State of the Cloud Survey.
  2. IBM Cloud (2021). IBM Cloud.
  3. AWS (2021). What is AWS?
  4. Cooper, M. (2019). AWS vs. IBM Bluemix.

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